Friday, March 16, 2012

Harassment...Farm Animal Style

Two thoughts could be going through your mind right now. 
Thought #1: How could farm animals harass someone?
Thought #2: That's funny!

Currently, due to escaping sheep, I have all the animals in the pasture directly behind our house.   This fence is really about 20 ft. away from the back of our house, which has a huge sliding glass door.  Well, here lies the problem.  If I don't feed the animals before the kids and I eat breakfast, the animals will camp out right where you see them and baa/moo at us until I go and feed them.  So during our breakfast meal we are stared at and practically yelled at the whole time.  It is rather clever of the animals to learn how to look inside our windows, but it can be a real pain at times.  For instance, when it starts to get dark and they get an especially good view inside the house, Cry Baby (white faced sheep) and Gus (the holstein) will not stop "talking" to us...even if they've already been fed!  They are the whiners of the bunch and they are making me consider putting up a curtain.

Never thought that a sheep and a cow would make me consider to add to my living room decor.   ; )

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