Thursday, September 5, 2013

A Sunset Walk

My family went on a walk last night and it was so very, very lovely. I've missed getting some 'fun' time with my kids and husband. We seem to always be busy with a project, building something, or just plain getting caught up with life.

This is the water shed that we're converting into our chicken coup. Can't wait till this eyesore is no more.

 I have learned over the past few weeks that if an effort is not made to communicate, then as time passes, assumptions are made and arguments ensue. (Please don't worry that we are having marital struggles. Actually far from it.) Like I said previously, we've been busy. There are so many things happening on the farm right now that we can hardly keep up with it all. I am not complaining mind you, and I am incredibly thankful that we are able to do all the fencing, organizing, and remodeling that we need to. It's quite a blessing from the Lord.

It is very easy though to get so busy that I forget to talk to the one who has my husband. The other night, we got in a little spat over a fence. I know, silly right? Ahem. Silly as it may be, we still had to work out a few 'assumptions', and then had to come to a point where we had to state what our thoughts were on the subject, and then come to an agreement. Wow, that was a mouthful.  Thankfully, my hubby and I are always able to come to an agreeable decision. This is the Lord's doing. If it were up to just us, well, I'm afraid we'd be a wreck. I'm terribly stubborn and hot tempered.

I had such a nice time walking in the pasture behind our house with my kids, hubby, and camera in tow. Jude was busy 'hunting' and Ella just did what she does best, she sang while she kept up. My girl loves to sing and it makes my heart happy to hear her pretty songs. Ella just melts me.

Seth and I spent the walk talking, holding hands, and dreaming about all that we wanted to do with this gorgeous place that God has given us. We always come back to the fact that we are blessed FAR beyond what we deserve. God is so good!

The sunset was breathtaking. I love how God puts His artwork on display every night. Nothing compares to His artistry and He is truly the only original.

The night ended with us getting to eat a delicious roasted chicken with vegetables and salad. One of my favorite dinners (the added bonus was that my in-laws are in town, so I didn't have to cook. Yay!). We sang a few hymns before bed and it was glorious. I mean it. My father-in-law and I sang the melody, while my hubby and his mama sang the harmony, the kids sang too and it was a lovely time of worship. I love to sing praises to God with my family. Such a wonderful way to end a beautiful sunset walk.


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