Friends, we're gettin' to know each other and in the spirit of friendship I want to share something with you. Something that I've been wanting to do for loooong time now. Your gonna get to know me a bit, the real me. Don't be scared now.
It ain't all pretty.
I know you know what I mean when I say this. I have felt the pressure before and now that I'm a blogger myself, I truly feel the pressure. Still wondering? Let me s-p-e-l-l it out, my life, my house, my kitchen, my farm isn't always picturesque, clean, organized, and ready for 'company'. There are times when I look at my favorite blogs and I think, "I must be doing something wrong or I'm not doing enough!" I try to keep up with what everyone else seems to be doing and I get stressed out. Stress + me = no bueno. I'm serious.
Like I said in this post, I want this blog to be an encouragement to others. I want to be real even if it means that I show you, my readers, the real side of my wonderful and at times, unattractive life. Farms tend to be on the unruly side and there is always, ALWAYS a project taking place. Something is getting torn down and rebuilt while something else is being constructed from scratch. Animals are growing, eating, birthing, pooping, and dying. Plants are sprouting, blooming, producing, and rotting. There are constant circles and cycles taking place and we the farmers are always trying to keep the chaos at bay.
I love taking pictures and I am learning how to be a better photographer. I love to show you the beauty that the Lord has created and to share this blessed life that I've been given. I also take great pleasure in putting posts together and making them a work of art; a combination of words and pictures. God created beauty and I see no harm in showing off His handiwork. I do want to clarify that reality needs to be in check as well and we need to realize that NO ONE lives a perfect life, has a perfectly clean/organized house, and is always having a good day. No one.
I hope that you leave this blog encouraged and not trying to 'keep up'. I am always trying to get things done, I feel behind often, and there is always a lot going behind the scenes. Like I've said before, I have struggled for a while trying to keep up and it's not fun. My joy in reading about others' lives is robbed when all I do is analyze how I can be more like them. Thankfully God has worked in my heart (like He always does) and has released me from this burden. The reality of this life is in clear perspective and I can now more enjoy the hard work that others put into their posts because I know what it's like and I understand, their life isn't perfect either.
I am not trying to bash my life, rather the opposite. I know that I'm blessed to be where I am and I wouldn't trade it for anything. God has different plans for His children and all of us don't fit into the same mold. Hallelujah! I hope you can rejoice in where the Lord has you, even if your having a difficult time. Trials always make you a stronger person at the end and we always have hope. I hope you continue to still dream and pray for the Lord's will for your life.
If you ever are having a hard time with reality, with comparing your life with what you see on blogs, then I want to ask one thing of you. When you are deep in your thoughts and are lost in comparing yourself, just remember that my office chair looks like this.
It's comfy, but it sure ain't pretty.
Thanks for sharing, Noel. You have a great way of speaking the truth that touches my heart! :)