Sunday, December 23, 2012

Green House Update

I made a promise a while ago that when the green house was done, I'd show it off.

Well, guess what? It's done.  And I am ready to unveil our newest addition to the farm.

I hope your excited, because it's beautiful.  My talented hubby doesn't disappoint when his creativity starts to flow. The wooden beams are as aesthetic as they are solid. This green house isn't going anywhere. We've already had a couple of terrible storms with wind that could rival the open plains. And it still stands.

I am greatly anticipating our garden this Spring. I hope this new addition will enable us to start our garden in an efficient manner and give us an abundance of crops. May the Lord bless our efforts.

Are you ready to see it yet? Okay, here it is.

View from the back of our house.

The lovely inside.

View from the front of the house.

Isn't it beautiful?

The doors are made out of old red wood that Seth bought from a lumber yard. The beams are made from old wood that used to be part of our back porch.

I just love it and I am so thankful my loving hubby made this for us. It's such a great addition to the farm.

Do you have a green house? What do you plan on growing in your gardens this Spring?


  1. looks great... this is something I have wanted to do forever... hopefully this coming summer will see a greenhouse going up we have a pretty big garden and it would be great to be able to get a headstart on some plants

    1. Thanks! We are so excited about this greenhouse. We still need to make some tables for the inside and figure out how we want to lay it out. We feel very blessed to be able to have this. I hope you are able to have your green house this summer. Let me know how it goes. Thanks for stopping by!

    2. I will let you know how I make out...I came across your blog thru Jenna Woginrich I added yours to the few I read... keep up the good work


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