My love, my second half, my soul mate. I love you with every fiber of my being. I think about you often and ponder this gift that God has given me...YOU! You and I both know that salvation is the greatest gift a person could ask for. That goes without saying, but I want to make my priorities clear. I love the Lord more than anything, even you. You know that already, don't you? I'm sure you rejoice in that. It may sound strange to some, but to us and fellow believers its a comfort. My love for you wouldn't be what it is without Christ. He is what makes us, us.

Your love, friendship, and care for my spirit and body is endless. You make me feel like a Queen and I'm thankful. When I'm down you pick me up, when I'm discouraged and frustrated you remind me of Hope and help to make things clear. When I'm bogged down, you lighten my load. God knew what He was doing when He sent you in the coffee shop that fateful day. I still remember the thought I had when I saw you. I'm inclined to think it was more prophetic than just a thought. I saw you and I remember it as if I heard it whispered in my ear, "He's going to be my husband one day." Little did I know that we'd be married sooner than later.
Just a few short weeks before we met, I was making myself clear to a past relationship of what I wanted in a man, what I wasn't willing to settle without. I remember emphatically saying that I wanted a man who would lead me in the Lord, who would care/provide for me and future kids, a man who had ambitions, and a man who worked hard. I wanted a man who would be a great father to my future kids, a man who would stand up for what is right, who is willing to go against the norm, and a man who is a MAN. The Lord was clearly listening and I'm convinced the Spirit was giving me the words in which to speak because a short while later you came into my life and have stayed.

I can honestly say that I don't know of a person who works as hard as you do. You are a worker bee and are driven to do your best everyday. The Lord has blessed your hands and has prospered your efforts. You are skilled at what you do and everyone can see that you give 'it' your all. I know that I have to remind you to slow down a bit, but I'm so thankful for how hard you work to care for our family. Your witness in the 'work place' is undeniable. You talk of Christ to all who ask and those who work with you notice the difference in the way to talk with people and handle business. Praise the Lord for His work in your heart and for the Spirit enabling you to be a witness like you are.
My heart overflows when I see you with our children. You are the best daddy ever, and I mean that. You have a way with our kids and you have captivated each one since the day they were born. You are a marvelous husband and have supported me in my mothering in ways that you may never know. I am proud to parent beside you and our children are blessed to have you . You are sweet, affectionate, caring, and always willing to take the time to teach our kids. You are always wanting them with you and they can feel that. You show our son what it means to be a man, how to be strong, how to care for the 'ladies' in his life, and you show him Christ. You show our daughters what it means to be loved, how they should be treated by a man, and you show them Christ. I am always thankful to God for you.

I couldn't ask for a better life. I've been saved and have been given husband to love and live this life with. Aside from salvation Handsome, you are my best gift. You are the man that I love and my love for you continues to grow everyday. I think you are the smartest, handsomest, and bestest of all the 'ests ever! I wish you a Happy Birthday and a Happy Anniversary. I have loved every minute of our marriage. I can't imagine life without you and Lord willing, never have to live on this earth without you.
Thank you for loving my like you do. Thank you for leading me and pointing me to Christ like to you. Thank you for loving and teaching our children like you do. Most of all, thank you for being you.
I love you.

Hi Noel! I found you through the Blissful and Domestic link up. I love your blog, and this post here is wonderful. The picture of your husband in the baby bed (or play pen?) cracks me up. His face is pricless and the kids look so happy to have him there.
ReplyDeleteHi Jessica! I think that picture is pretty funny too, I am glad he didn't mind me putting it in there. And yes, my kids absolutely adore their daddy because he's so much fun. Thanks for stopping by. :)