Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Reality of Farm Life

Or should I say...the reality of life?

There's no easy way to put this. So here it goes.

We lost a chick.

I'm so bummed, but after some time and thought I have had to come to the fact that this is reality. This is true whether or not you live on a farm, right? Big picture here...we are born, we live, and then we die. It happens to everyone and everything.

Sometimes faster than we think though.

I went out to check on the chicks Saturday night and found one separated from the rest and not doing well. As I picked up the poor chick I thought maybe it just got too cold and so I held it in my hand for a while under the light, hoping that the warmth was all that was needed to pick the little thing up. I also dipped it's beak in water, but it was not interested. Thoughts came flooding to mind as I kneeled down on the ground and hovered over the edge of the trough holding the helpless chick under the light.

I thought about life and death. I thought about the order of things here on earth and why it is that everything that has life follows the same cycle.  I also prayed for the little chick, but it wasn't to be that it would make it. In fact, the helpless creature died in my hand. Hindsight is 20/20 and that's a fact. When I first got the chicks and was in the process of putting them in the brooder, I noticed that one was trampled a bit. I didn't think much of it because there were quite a few chicks in the box and it seemed to be doing fine once it's beak was dipped into the water. The next morning I thought it was funny that the chick was so tired that it slept in the main area of traffic and hence, got ran over a few times. I moved it and it 'seemed' to be doing fine. During the day, I checked on the chicks often to make sure that the temperature was what it's supposed to be and yet again it seemed to be okay. Nevertheless, that night as you know, the poor chicky turned for the worse.

I'm sure if I separated it, it may have had a better chance but it never was really thriving to start with. I am a novice and as such, I am learning lessons. Albeit, the hard way.

This is the reality of farm life. Life and death happen, whether we like it or not. If your uncomfortable with this, then I'm sorry because this is life. If your really uncomfortable with this, then may I suggest you don't farm? Not meaning anything by this statement, just stating the truth. As a farmer I raise animals for food and plant gardens for food. Both have life and death cycles. My husband and I have decided to raise sheep so we can have meat to eat and to sell. Therefore, this Spring when we have lambs (Lord willing), if there are a few nice ewe lambs we will probably keep those for breeding, but everything else is destined for butcher. That's why we have we can eat. We also plan on having a garden so we can have delicious, nutritious produce in which to eat, sell, and possible preserve for later consumption. We also are raising two cows, but I don't think I need to continue to explain the cycle, you probably get the picture. This is why we farm.  We farm so we can eat. Simple.

I love this life and this reality. Surprised? As a believer in Jesus Christ, I am not afraid of death because I know where I'm going. Sure I don't want to die right now because I want to grow old with my hubby and raise our children. However, I know that where I am going is infinitely better than life on earth, and so I have peace. I love that being granted to raise my kids on a farm has enabled me to show my children how to care for creation, how to care for themselves, and I get to watch them learn and see for themselves the order of life. Amazing!

All in all a chick was lost, but perspective was gained and played it's part in the big picture.

If your wondering, the rest of the chicks are doing GREAT! I'm serious, they are so fun to watch and the kids keep thanking me for getting them chicks. I will admit, I've had a little issue of their #2 sticking to their soft down feathers so I took it upon myself to rectify the situation. Instead of cleaning each bottom as it became messy, I decided to put a little vaseline on their hiney's so the said #2 couldn't stick. They were NOT happy when I did this, but they'll thank me later when I'm not wiping their booties with a warm cloth and clipping what won't come off with scissors. Is this to much info? I hope not because I even took pictures.

Oh yes...I did.

And, your welcome.

After the whole rear cleaning and slathering, my son Jude and I cleaned the brooder box, err trough. It actually wasn't that dirty, but rain is coming so I'd rather be cleaning it out on a sunny day than a rainy one. As you can see, my boy LOVES these chicks. Such a fun way to spend time with my lovey.

Looks better doesn't it? And sorry, the pictures should be swapped.

Reality can be hard to handle and reality can be joyous. I'm thankful that right now, my reality is a blessed one.

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